
Horsham Welcomes The Fudge Bar to the Market in Time for Christmas

Fudge Bar Stall

In the last two months there’s been a very welcome addition to Thursday’s Carfax market. The Fudge Bar, offering both traditional and inventive flavours of exquisite handmade fudge, can be found opposite the entrance to Swan Walk, enticing you over with sweet smells.

The friendly owners Amanda and Michael are fudge experts and offer warm smiles alongside almost every flavour of fudge. Making all their own produce by hand, it has a smooth yet crumbly texture that melts in the mouth and is a great afternoon pick-up. Fudge Thursday’s anyone?

selection of fudge

Amongst their repertoire you’ll discover vanilla, ginger, salted caramel, chilli chocolate, mint, cherry, coconut ice, marzipan, orange, strawberry and fruit & nut fudge. Perfect gifts for sweet-toothed family members this Christmas, Amanda has created a range of flavours for the festive season.

With no alcohol content, you can enjoy mulled wine fudge guilt-free and indulge in Christmas Cake fudge which has a wonderful presentation and genuinely tastes like Christmas cake. Both flavours are very complex and feel warm on the tongue.

Christmas cake fudge

If you can keep it for long enough without tucking in, there are gift-wrapped fudges which would be great additions to stockings, including rum & raisin and Baileys flavours.

Gift Fudge

Offering great value for money and good conversation on these cold autumn days, you see families marvelling at the stall and commenting on the displays, proving they’re really making a local impact.

For more information about The Fudge Bar, you can visit their website or like them on Facebook.

So, welcome to The Fudge Bar, we’re very pleased to have you!

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